H-Metro Reporter
IT appears the majority voices on social media are fighting in the corner of controversial comedienne Mai TT after we criticised her for her strange stance when nude photos of her daughter, Felisha Murata, leaked online.
Mai TT claimed there was nothing strange with Fifi’s nude photos appearing online and suggested she could dump more photos on the digital platforms.
Below are some of the responses on our online platforms:
What if she is saying this to make her daughter strong so that she doesn’t make a wrong decision for herself? People criticise and are toxic. Well done to her if she says so. She is defending her daughter in a way that she will take it easy on herself and face the world with confidence. — Lindiwe Madziva.
H-Metro how can you publish and sell such a paper? I hope she sues you for every penny! Kutadza kunyora zvinovaka nyika muri kunyora about Mura. A single mother doing her best to raise and defend her child. — Grace Maureen Chanza.
I think mwana haatukirwe pane vanhu. Mwana anotorwa otaurwa naye mu bedroom or take her for therapy. I am sure she did that. Munhu haaaraswi. — Nomsa Carly Munzvenga.
Asi vanhu munoshamisa manga muchida kuti asamire nemwana wake amire nemedia kwaaaa. — Homm Timber Sol.
These culprits like Mai TT should be arrested for immorality. — Nichokid Mushanguri.
H-Metro haina basa kuti waimboipa maInterview uri kujeri. — Yamakate10.
The strategy is working. It’s her on the cover photo, not the daughter. — Michael Gatsi.
Shame on you H-Metro. Mamuchida vazviuraye here, she is playing mommy role so well, she has to be strong for her daughter and be there for her in such situations ndopamozoona vamwe vana vachizviuraya nezvamurikuita izvi. — Mavukag.