Langton Nyakwenda

HE might have a special record of being the first African to feature in the English Premier League but Peter Ndlovu never got as close to the EPL trophy as he did yesterday.

At Belgravia Sports Club yesterday, Ndlovu got close to the EPL trophy, which passed through Zimbabwe en-route to Zambia, as part of a tour organised by Premier League partners Castrol.

Ndlovu, who is now based in South Africa, accompanied the trophy for the Harare leg.

“I wish could touch it (EPL trophy) but I can’t because of protocol. I played in the EPL and I was the first African but I never got to win it,” Ndlovu said.

“I still believe Liverpool will win the English Premier League, there’s no other team, Liverpool are the team.

“Obviously, it’s not looking good after last night (Wednesday) but a lot can change in the next games.

“Four games can make a difference.”

An African football legend, who also led Zimbabwe to their first African Cup of Nations finals in 2004, Ndlovu has remained humble despite his vast achievements.

He interacted with fans freely at Belgravia yesterday.

“I just want to thank Castrol for bringing the wonderful trophy that everyone wants to play for.

“Eeryone is thinking of playing in that league.

“We appreciate what they have done to bring the trophy to my country, to my people and to me because I never got the chance to go near it.

“It is a big honour for me to be part of this whole set-up.

“I played for a long time in this league and I never got near this trophy, we all know that.”

The legend believes Zimbabwe can still export players to the EPL.

“I gave myself to Zimbabwe, I gave myself to that league. I am a football player and I must showcase what I can do, so that’s exactly what I did.

“I motivated myself to go longer, I motivated myself to do the right things.

“All I did was just play my football.”

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