Concern over sale of drugs in schools

Mangaliso Kabulika 

A former junior parliamentarian for Kuwadzana East has raised concerns over the use of students to sell drugs on behalf of peddlers in schools.

Truth Jeketera identified mbanje, Broncleer and crystal meth as the most common drugs and substances being sold in schools.

Jeketera also expressed concern over the lack of proper checking at school premises and the bribing of security personnel by students to avoid being searched.

He called for the establishment of checkpoints at school entrances to curb the inflow of drugs, deter potential suppliers and identify students who may already be carrying illicit substances.  Jeketera emphasised the need to protect youth from falling into the clutches of this illicit trade, which not only ruins lives, but also compromises the safety and integrity of educational institutions.

“It is disheartening that some students are being used as pawns by drug peddlers. 

“They are paid some commission in return for their services which will then lure them back to selling,” said Jeketera.

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