Arron Nyamayaro
GRIEVING mothers on Friday led their families to the cemetery where bodies of their babies were removed at Zimbiru Village in Domboshava.
Six baby graves were found opened, in a suspected ritual case, at the cemetery reserved for babies.
The mothers wept at the graveside as relatives battled to console them and close the graves.
One of the villagers told H-Metro that some bereaved families have been burying their babies during the night.
“This is taboo, it’s uncalled for and the suspects must be brought to book.
“I had some questions on Tuesday when I spotted a family burying their baby at around 9pm.
“I could not understand the reason for doing that during the night and I nearly informed the village head about this.
“Few days after that incident, we woke up to find some graves had been opened, especially the new ones.
“Vabvisa mitumbi kwakungosara machira chete.
“This is witchcraft.”
One of the mothers, Theresa Mashaya, 43, who buried her seven-month baby sometime in July, wept and took a shovel to close the opened grave.
Another affected father, who buried a ten-day-old baby, also took a shovel to close the opened grave.
He buried his baby on July 19.
Police visited the cemetery and recorded some statements from a number of villagers.