Spiritual padlock —prophet speaks

Gibson Mhaka
ALTHOUGH Christianity has had a positive impact on the socio-cultural arena throughout the world, the growth of prophecy-led ministries has witnessed increasing claims of miracle working, some of which have elicited derision from both believers and non-believers.

Now, there is a worrying sense that certain inexplicable healing ways or miracles are chipping away moral credibility of some real messengers of God’s work.

Although there is no scientific evidence that prayers can directly combat diseases, unlike members of older denominations, Pentecostal and charismatic Christians believe that any Christian of faith potentially can be a prophet or a healer who has access to miracles and wondrous signs like speaking in tongues, raising people from the dead or reversing disease.

A case in point is that of Harare-based and New Revelation Ministries founder Prophet Miracle Paul who courted the attention of the public with his “miracle hanger” also known as the “magnet” that is believed to have powers to restore broken marriages.

According to Prophet Paul, the hanger, just like any ordinary wardrobe hanger, could redeem and repair relationships that appeared broken beyond hope. The hanger has seen thousands who flocked to his church giving testimonies. Goodness and Mercy Ministries founder Prophet Tapiwa Freddy is also another Harare-based prophet who waded into the fray with his “spiritual spectacles” which he claimed enables him to accurately “predict” future events as well as see people’s past events.

He defended his “spiritual spectacles” anointing saying it was God’s divine power that allows people to see their past, present and future, giving congregants the ability to see the spiritual world.

In Bulawayo another charismatic man of God, Prophet Mduduzi Dube popularly known as Black Elisha is also taking the city by storm with his jaw-dropping “Spiritual Padlock” healing.

Black Elisha who is also founder of Christ Life Generation Church rose to fame when he claimed he brought to life the shrunk manhood of an adulterous man he had allegedly “locked” at the instigation of his jealous wife.

This was after the man, only identified as Manjoro, force-marched his wife to his house claiming she had allegedly consulted him to make him fail to sustain an erection each time he tried to have sex with his mistresses.

In a wide-ranging interview, Black Elisha, who is also known for his miraculous healing powers revealed the secret behind the source of his

‘‘Spiritual Padlock’’ anointing saying just like Biblical Prophet Jeremiah God blessed him with the power to perform miracles before he was born.

The youthful prophet claimed ‘‘Spiritual Padlock’’ unlocks spiritual opportunities that were inaccessible in people’s lives.

“My mission in giving spiritual padlocks to people is to make them unlock their spiritual opportunities that are inaccessible in their lives. Spiritual padlock is about changing the fortunes of the impoverished or unlocking destinies that have been cursed by the devil. We have many people whose marriages, pregnancy, jobs, love, money and businesses are being withheld in the dark spiritual realm — all these should be unlocked, the flood gates of Heaven should be opened and the people of God should live the life that the Lord their God designed for them,” said Black Elisha who leads his congregants in Old Magwegwe.

He adds: “As Jeremiah 1:5 says ’Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations’, I was also appointed a messenger of God’s work before I was born. God is using me to heal people through the spiritual padlock”.

Black Elisha, who also sparked controversy late last year when he sensationally prophesied that he had seen a vision of two local “prominent” prophets falling from grace after being haunted by allegations of adultery insisted that “Spiritual Padlock” was real.

“I am not a witch-doctor as people might think but a real and gifted man of God. Besides, healing people of different ailments I’m also after providing stability in homes. My ministry is not for everyone, it is for those who have faith. Spiritual padlock anointing is real, and there are several testimonies from people who received anything they want, like success, business, good life and miracles from it,” said Black Elisha.

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