Hazel Marimbiza
A Pumula woman regrets the day she fell in love with her boyfriend who is tormenting her by forcefully demanding to sleep with her.
This was revealed at the Western Commonage Courts when Eveline Luphahla sought a peace order against her aggressive lover, Wireless Muleya.
“Muleya is my boyfriend and we do not stay together. He comes to my place of residence while drunk at night without my consent and gains entry by breaking the door using stones. He drags me to his place of residence and forces me to sleep with him,” said Luphahla.
She added: “He verbally abuses me and my landlord when he breaks into the house. Right now he took my ID and bank card. I am now scared of him because he assaults me every time I try to resist his actions. I fear for my life because he is now threatening to kill me. I am therefore applying for a protection order barring him from further assaulting me, insulting me and taking my property by force.”
Western Commonage magistrate Stephen Ndlovu granted an interim order pending a final order.