Bev thrills Dotito fans, says she is back

Arron Nyamayaro in DOTITO, Mt Darwin

RAUNCHY dancer, Beverly Sibanda, on Wednesday night displayed her full range of dancing antics and energy at the anti-sanctions gala which attracted hordes of people.

Bev was among Chief Hwenje’s dancers, exuding confidence, and showcasing her energy and stamina to the fans.

She told H-Metro that she was back with a bang.

“I still have the stamina and I am prepared to discharge everything in me to prove that dancing is within me,” said Bev.

“I did this recently in Victoria Falls with Chief Hwenje and it took me some seconds to master all his songs.

Ndanzwa manyemwe nekuona Mashonaland Central yaungana zvekuti vanenge vangosiya vana vega kudzimba.

“Zvichirimo zvekutamba izvi.

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