MEN VS WOMEN. . . Battle of the sexes explode after mega Doek & Slay show

THE phenomenal success of the final Doek & Slay show on Sunday, which attracted about 23 000 women at Alex Sports Club, has sparked an online rift between some men and women.

A vociferous section of men has been blasting the gatherings, which are gaining momentum with each passing show, and attracting a loyal base across the entire nation.

Sunday’s event, the final one this year, attracted women from Mutare, Masvingo, Bulawayo, Gweru and even Victoria Falls.

Some of the women proudly displayed their hometowns on placards.

It now appears there is competition among the women themselves to ensure that the next show held in Harare is bigger than the last one.

“We used to see some of these things in our religious circles when people would come from all over the country to Harare at the height of the frenzy generated by some of our prophets,” said Barbra Ndoro, who drove from her base in Zvishavane for the show.

“Now, it’s about women power and this is just us, ordinary women, supporting something that we feel belongs to us even though we are not the organisers.

“We feel we have a stake in it because it is about us, our joy, our friendship and ourselves, in a world of our own, without men.”

But, that appears to be causing some problems with some men attacking the women online for choosing to have fun, in such large numbers, on their own.

Following the resounding success of all-women parties Doek & Slay in Harare on Sunday, there has been wide division between men and women on social media.

The event, which celebrates empowerment and unity, has sent social media into meltdown.

The mega show was headlined by Jah Prayzah, man-of-the-moment Master H, Enzo Ishall and Tamy Moyo.

Men have been arguing that the event is not for decent ladies while women argued that it was jealous men who were unhappy to realise that women can find joy even among themselves.

Below are some of the comments from H-Metro readers on social media:

It’s only the narcissistic and insecure incel demographic that’s threatened by women’s independence and autonomy. Confident, self-assured men aren’t intimidated by their partner’s desire for female friendships or a day out with the girls. — Mazvie Jones


Takutoda FNB Stadium. — Fadzai Faffy Rupfutse


Why are men angry? — Rendani Masuku


Abusive husbands association is well represented mucomment section shem. — Michelle Machingura


Women I’m super proud of you. — Wayne Tanaka Chisango


Ana Ba Orivha vatotanga kuhumana mu comment section. — Tanya Natalie’s Ma


Zvovengwa nemuroi. — Wayne Tanaka Chisango


Absolutely amazing   Salome Mangwiro


Numbers don’t lie. — Linda Mirirayi


Good occupational therapy for those who want the inner person to be happy in their context. Reminded me of those days l was young, ndaitoibata mike. — Caritas Chiura


Pamwe pacho zvakuita sekuti vakadzi varikuda mafaro zvakanyanya but nyaya chaiyo abuse yakawanda kunzwe uko rega vafare. — Mkoma Reggie


Ku Doek and Slay ndokwakunzi noise asi kwa Chris ndokwamanga muchifara kuti kwakazara nekuti zvaitwa nevamwe vekuZim makuisa ma bin. — Li Nda Cie


Ma Headlines emuno so plus u shld have written THE WOMEN ‘s initiation into manjuzu and the production of divorces. — Pedro Tavengerwei


It shows that there is a grave dearth of men in Zimbabwe. Utwo twuvakadzi utwo are single. It’s rare to see a decent married woman there. — Wilo Wilocious


Murume wese anobvumidza mukadzi wake kuenda ku Doek & Slay anorohwa nemukadzi musandipikise. — Whatever You Think


Those are all drunk drivers, ndirini police kungoisa roadblock padhuze kusunga vanhu zvinodakadza. — Herbert Tafadzwa Musonza


Vakadzi vakafana nehuku dzinogara dzakavharirwa musi waunodzivhurira anenge ari ma1. — Beaven Makwarimba


Ita Single Mothers league. — Farai Testimony Muradzikwa


Supporting local content thank you ladies. — Tapiwa Vungs


I can safely say 98% there imvana dzisina varume. — Chef Phill


Uku kwakanakira kuti maiguru vanotokupa doro vokuperekedza kutoilet vasingazive (ukudadana ne) munhu wavo Doek and Slay inotidzidzisa one love. — Nyasha Martin (hmetro)

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