Danisa Masuku
A BUSINESS woman from Esigodini learnt the hard way that not all those who appear holier than thou live up to those standards following an incident where a prophet tricked her into purchasing stock on credit only to disappear without paying the money.
Speaking to B-Metro the businesswoman Sakhile Tamuka said Qakathekisani Mnkandla (ABOVE), who is from Habane Township in Esigodini and a senior prophet at Yambiro Zion, had initially hatched a plan to swindle her of her stock.
a�?Mnkandla came to us at the beginning of January and sweet talked us to give him stock like vimbela . , sea water, amanzi ka getsi, love drug, Inyanga yezizwe on credit and the total amount was $300. He promised to give me the money by end of last month.
a�?When I realised that Mnkandla had failed to pay my money as per agreement I phoned him to ask about my dues.
He gave me several empty promises and in the end he insulted me saying ngiyi stupid somuntu( He said I am a stupidA� person) why is it that I am troubling him?a�? said Tamuka.
When Tamuka realised that her efforts to recover her dues were fruitless she reported the matter to the police but it was all in vain.
a�?When I reported the matter at Habane police station I was advised to approach the Small Claims Court in Bulawayo to recover my money.
a�?Upon arriving at the claims court, I was asked to provide the court with Mnkandlaa��s address but I couldna��t since Mnkandla had fled from the area.
a�?As a result of that, the court said it could not assist me if I could not give them Mnkandlaa��s address,a�? said Tamuka.
When contacted for comment Mnkandla promised to pay back Tamukaa��s money.
a�?I am aware of the money I owe Tamuka. I had a problems but I promise to pay her as soon as possible,a�? said Mnkandla.