Gamuchirai Bhachi

WOMAN empowerment group, Shamwari Yemwanasikana, wants to open a restaurant where women will cook and serve food in Seke.

Communications and Advocacy Officer of SYS, Tendai Hove, said that the project will be run in Seke by teenage mothers at a rented open place.

“This project will be run by teen mothers with different backgrounds, some might have a little knowledge about cooking and serving food and some might learn during the project.

“The ladies will be focusing on basic meals, including sadza, chips and other local foods.

“The proceeds of this project will be used by teen mothers and girls to pay for their essential needs, school fees, among others, “said Tendai.

She pleaded with the public to help teenage mothers and the less privileged to attain the basic needs in life.

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